Becoming a Member

How Membership Works 

Monticello Sportsmen Club is a shareholder owned facility. Membership is via the ownership of a share in the club. We refer to this as being a shareholder. As an incorporated entity, we have three hundred (300) shares of stock that entitles the holder of the share to be a voting and active participant of the club. To purchase a share, the club has instituted a waiting list process. We are currently around 40-45 names deep on the waiting list.

  • To get your name on the waiting list, there is an application that must be completed and a fee to be placed on the waiting list.

  • Once the waiting list application and payment are received your name is placed on the waiting list. It is your responsibility to keep the club updated on any change of contact information.

  • Once we have a share available you will be contacted to complete the purchase process. The purchase price is based on valuation of the club assets and is set by the Board of Directors yearly. In addition to the one time share fee, there is a yearly annual dues requirement to offset club expenses. Once you no longer want to be a shareholder and use the club, you sell your share back to the club for the current share price.

As a shareholder, we expect you to adhere to the rules of the ranges, participate in the club activities, and enjoy your time on the ranges.